Adam and Eve
57岁 | 国外-国外
2020-05-31 22:07:02
I believe in the fundamental faith that human beings are originally sinful. We all inherited the instincts from the very first man Adam. When he ate the fruit from the tree of wisdom, he had Eve to blame: "Lord, it is the woman you put there who gave me the fruit“。 Man and women never stopped fighting ever since.
One the other hand, when Adam opened his eyes out of the deep sleep God put him in, he was so joyful and happy to see Eve. He loved her so much that he called her "This is the bone of my bones and flesh of my fleshes". Man never stopped loving woman ever since.
I also believe in the fundamental faith that human beings still have the basic goodness. That is the reason for us to have hope. Lets dream and hope that we all became a better person by being together.